Did you receive your awesome free custom sample design in the mail? If so, welcome back! (If not, apply here!)
We’re glad you’re here, and we’re ready to work with you. Whether you’re adding “bling” to your existing product offerings, or just testing out BlingFORCE as an alternative to your existing bling supplier, getting started is easy.
No hoops to jump through.
If this is going to be your first “real” BlingFORCE project, just follow these easy steps:
- Check out your Account Homepage. This is where you can find the project submission form, pricing examples and informative tutorials. While your sample was in the mail, we sent you an account login – look for an e-mail from BlingFORCE regarding this. Log in via the account homepage (or go directly to the login form) to access any designs we may have pre-loaded into your account, and other features.
- When you’re ready, submit your first design through our easy-to-use form. There’s info about setup costs at the bottom of that page.
- We’ll e-mail you a confirmation that your project was received, and when your design is ready, e-mail you a link to view it in all its blazing, 3D glory – and you can even see what it looks like on over 250 product/color combinations.
- Ready to order? It’s easily done online. We do require upfront payment for online orders, however, we can establish terms with you after you’ve been our customer for a while.
Next steps?
Going forward, since you have an online account, just use the “Existing Client” button on the homepage for all your tasks.